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Showing posts from June, 2012


Humans have   such  amazing abilities stupendous features and solid perfections. But also  many  many  and immense  moral deficiencies. There is such  great contrast  in our expressions.  It almost seems as if  there are different  beings at work.  Other species.  There's  those that  are  driven by light  and growth  and there's  those that are rotten.  Infected.  Where most  have a little  or a great  deal  of both.  We wildly  throw ourselves  into unreasonably charitable  deeds  spurred  by the nausea of our  festering  atrocities.  We then guilt  ourselves  into love.  Degenerate love. There have  been a few   too few instants in which I looked  at you  where I could have...

I'm a peace monger

I’m not all that much for farfetched conspiracy theories but the funny thing is that the wildest guesses of the most paranoiac elements amongst us often turn out to be very close to the truth. Here’s one. The economic instability in the world is a calculated means to deflect public attention away from environmental issues because the energy suppliers and especially the most polluting ones feel threatened by the changing mindset.  They would rather see the world go to hell than lose business. They are unwilling to change their business model before all the fossil resources are depleted and their profit has been maximized.  It is the same strategy  the conglomerates have used in forcing politicians into exaggerating the supposed ‘global’ threat of terrorism to submerge the populations in fear and provide free reign for the execution of  the more obscure policies. We’ll have one hell of a time t...

Romance is what you can not have

It has always been our world before our first ideas had developed. After our last breath has been expelled. It is not real. Stacked with errors flaws and contradictions. But it is our world. The most wonderful and colourful one. No heaven or hell. No ceilings or floors. It is everywhere and it is there for us. It is where we hover unbound and unseen. Where we long to be all those things we are not allowed to be. Doesn’t it strike you as strange that we try to have a definition of reality? I believe there are no means to achieve such travesty. Imagine taking a decision by wilfully choosing to ignore half the facts presented, doesn’t that make your perception of reality in that decision, an illusion? If I follow my reasoning from that point on don’t you think that if you make a judgement on what reality should or could be based on all the known facts (not only known to you, but to all of us) ...