The seasons change people.
Again every year.
They have a deep
and lasting effect
on the psyche.
Even more so than
the weather
or the amount of sunlight
one is exposed to.
Now I want to believe that
it's all because of
magnetic fields
and planetary alignments
but maybe
just maybe it runs a little deeper
than that.
Is a genetic predisposition
not a material translation
of the aetherial concept
of predestination?
Why is there an innate system
of recollection to support
the process of adaptation?
Why does evolution have
a memory
to begin with?
Why do we inherit
And why does our mind
play what we think are
cruel tricks on us?
Making us believe
we remember things from past lives.
Enabling us to reach beyond
the normal thoughts.
Lodging an inbred set of doubts
in our hearts
and mind.
A natural suspicion
that the four evils
have been trying to oppress
for the past six thousand years.
The four evils being
the market
and tradition.
Spawned by the supreme monstrocity
that we all call
and which we would defend to the death
for some obscure but enduring reason.
Don't subdue
that lingering
and reemerging hesitation.
The elitist circles
have been feeding on our
for too long.
It is time for some sort
of reaction
erratic and unguided
as it may be.
It needs to be unraveled.
The irregularities
are too countless
and too refined
to be dismissed
as worthless.
No matter
by what authority.
I vote for something
more objective
and transcending
than mere culture
to define our standards.
Something that is a lesser servant
of unnatural interests
and more aware of
the limitless dimensions
that surround us.
the irrevocable
we so intensely need.
What I'm really saying is
that in the entirety of all
we are not separated.
We are as one.
But there is a universe of
Blocking the way.
There is no way
to cut through it.
But at some point
we will find a bypass
that works for us.
A path around it.