We took a drive
into the city
to check out the opening
of a night shop
book store
New fads are flashing their pink
all of the time
I guess.
Back in my days
things were just a lot different.
Not that they were any less
about the form
than they are now.
But I was
And more forgiving.
I can't stand
the perfect haircuts
But I was no better
at that age.
Maybe I'm just not fit
to mingle with twenty-something
year olds.
I have passed my prime.
That's for sure.
I still have the same
fuck you all attitude
I had when I was twenty.
And even though
I recognize and agree
that it's a stupid attitude
I'm proud to be like that.
I don't
stand my ground.
I don't
muck about.
I don't
I don't know
that book.
Or that new single.
I don't know
Stop asking me
stupid shit like that, please.
Believe me
that's the way to go.
I retreat half the time
like Sun Tzu.
And I win half my battles.
With the adequate respect
towards my foes.
So I have no issues
staring this new generation
in the eyes
"welcome kids,
you are welcome to
my liver
and my heart."
And I mean it.
I've had
my heyday.
All I need now
is to be
to kiss my muse.
This life is
in every light.