Irsin Kast is no economist. But out of sheer principle, I’m wondering why no politician is working on an ACTUAL plan to take back the surplus amounts of funds that are safely tucked away with the 1%? Their financial structures are fraudulent by nature, but so finely constructed and protected, that they seemingly can’t be touched. Even though it is clear that the real deficit is created just there. And maybe only there. That should be the focus area. Could it be that our politician’s interests are too much intertwined with the fate of the rich? Our representatives are getting paid top dollar and euro to screw us - the 99% - over in the name of the 1%, and still we keep voting for them. We’re losing our wages, our social protection and ultimately, our right to truly exist in the process. I’m not the first to say this. But I will keep on repeating it. It is often stated that the consumer market is the new religion of the west. Shouldn’t we apply the se...