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Because I’m plain stupid

Sometimes you'll do things
that you shouldn't
but mostly
you don't do
the things you should.

I once read that
we may not be
at the source of our faults
but we actually might very well be
the source of our frustrations.

They dangle at the end of
a chain of events
a path of half-chance choices
that we don't make
when we were supposed to.
We go neither way
and that is always maddening.

It seems harsh
but everything is
an 'either way'-moment.
A sharp edge
with steep slopes on both sides.

And we know we should pick a side.
But the prospect
of sliding down either side
is daunting.
So our solution is
that we prefer to overlook them.
A slip of the mind
becomes a slip of the soul.
We balance our way onwards
on the rim of the volcano.
Not living by fire
nor by transformation.
We take the safe route
that leads back to this same point.
In circles.
