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We have spawned a monster

I don’t really like
to write rhyme,
when it is not set to music.
Because it has a pathetic ring to it.
It really reads like
trying to hard.

Probably because
I’m not good enough at it.
I can easily admit to that.
On the other hand
it is the best container for thoughts.
It is the way it came out.
Excuses, excuses,

Look at how
they make infinite use of finite means.
Look at how
they bleed us out as oil for their machines.
Look at how
they regulate financial instruments.
Look at them
exterminate in their exuberance.
Look at how
they pay the party to command these chairs.
Look at their
dysfunctional democracy repairs.
Look at all
those massive heaps of concentrated wealth.
Look at all
the fraudulent displays of social health.
Look at how
they tap into our minds and attitudes.
Look at how
consumerism kills us at the roots.
Look at how
every dispute circles ethnicity.
Look at how
they fuse hatred with raw publicity.
Look at how
the framework for discussion has been soiled.
Look at how
the power of the people has been foiled.

At the end of your term
we all will decide. 
We'll take another vote on whether
you should live or die.
I'll put your heart on a stake.
We'll put your head on display.

We are taking a very remote view
on something that hits home.